Conlon Nancarrow

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This list is published for diffusion purposes with the Paul Sacher Foundation's agreement. Updated information may be consulted at the foundation itself.





J.W. Pepper's complete catalogue Pepper, J.W. J.P. Pepper, 1909
The perforation of music rolls Leo. F.B. & Dolge, R. Leabarjan, 1919
The Aeolian Pipe-Organ not specf. Aeolian, 1902
Windsor, Pianos and Player Pianos not specf. Montgomery, 1919
Player piano pointers Keeley, Wl. Autopiano, 1917
Keys to a musical past Roehl, H.N. Vestal, 1968
Tuning, Care & Repair of Reed & Pipe Organs Bryant, N. Bryant, 1968
Inspector's instruction book not specf. American Piano Co. 1919
Questions and Answers not specf. S.P.A. Co.
Player Piano Pointers Keeley, J.Wl. Keeley, 1917
Principles of Player Piano Operation not specf. Standard Player Piano Co.
Musical accompaniment of moving pictures Lang E. & West G. Boston Music co., 1920
Abridgments of specifications (patents) 1867,76. not specf. Darling & Son, 1904
Rebuilding the Player Piano Givens, L. Vestal, 1963
AMPICO Reproducing Piano, service manual not specf. Ampico, 1929
Inspector's instruction book, 1919, 1920 not specf. Ampico, 1919
The New Musical Notation Godjevatz, V. Author, no year
1974-75 Player piano catalogue Player Piano Co. Player Piano Co., 1974
Orchestrion Katalog (german) not specf. Popper & Co. 1908-09
The science of drumming Kupra, G. Rowland, 1946
Cabinet organs catalogue not specf. New England organ Co.
How to use the Stroboconn in piano tuning not specf. Conn Ltd., 1948
A Technical Treatise on Piano Player Mechanism White, WM. B. Lyman, 1908
Tuning as Science and Art White, WM. B. Lyman, 1909
The Player Piano, an historical Scrapbook Rohel, H. Century House, 1958
Player Piano Treasury Rohel, H. Vestal, 1961
The pianolist, a guide for pianola players Kobee, G. Moffat, 1907
Piano Playing Mechanism White, WM. B. Lyman, 1925
The Player Piano Up to Date White, WM. B. Lyman, 1914
The Mechanical Music Cabinet Wendel, S. Harenberg, Germany, 1984
L'art de toner les Cylindres not specf. Delaguette, MDCCLXXV
Organische und Mechanische Musik Bekker, P. Deutche Verlags-anstalt sttutgart, 1928
The Player Pianist White, WM. B. Lyman, 1910
Le Piano Mecanique Goudman, S. Fischbacher, Paris, 1914
Mechanical Piano-players Ashton, G.C.J. not specf., 1915
Handbook of the Arcadian player Action not specf. The British layer Action Company, Ltd.
The Art of the Player Piano Grew, S. Kegan, London, 1922
Practical Instructions for the Regina M. Boxes. not specf. not specf.
The Piano-player and its Music Newman, E. Grant Richards, London, 1920
Tuning and Temperament Barbour, M. Michigan, 1953
Scientific Piano Tuning and Servicing Howe, A.H. Howe, 1947
Piano tuning, Regulating & Repairing Fisher, C.J. Theodor Presser, 1907
Theory and Practice of Pianoforte Building White, Wm.B. Lyman
Scientific piano tuning and servicing Howe, A.H. Howe, 1941
Piano tuning and allied arts White, Wm.B. Tuners Suipply Co., 1946
Some Reminiscences and the Bagpipe Duncan F.A. Hay, MDCCCCVII
The Harp Rensh R. Philosophical Lib., 1950
The Bowed Harp Andersson. O. Reeves, London, MCMXXX
The Story of the Bagpipe Grattan, F. Wm. H. Walter, 1911
La Gaita Gallega Cobas Pazos Porto, Espana, 1955
The sources of Keyboard Music in England Van Den Borren, Ch. Novello, London, 1913
Essay on the true art of Ply. Kyb.Instrum. Bach, C.Ph.E. Norton, 1949
An Amateur at the Keyboard Yates, P. Pantheon, 1964
Les Pianistes Celebres Marmontel, A. Paul Bousrez, 1887
Pianos, pianists and sonics Briggs, G.A. Wharfedale, England, 1951
The Physiological Mechanics of Piano Technique Ortmann, O. Dutton, 1962
Notes on the Piano Bacon, E. Syracuse, 1963
Las formas Pianisticas Pedrell, F. Union Muiscal Espanola, no year
The Art of Pedaling Geghard, H. Franco Colombo, 1983
History of the Piano Forte Brinsmead, E. Novello, London, MDCCCLXXIX
How the Piano Came to Be Glover, E.H. Beowne, 1913
The Pianoforte and its Music Krehbiel, H.E. Murray, 1911
The Romance of the Piano Blom, E. Foulis, London, no year
History of the Pianoforte Spillane, D. Spillane, 1890
Histoire du Piano Closson, E. Edit. Univ., Belgium, 1944
Primer gran catálogo de A. Wagner y Levien not specf. Wagner, 1886
Pianos and their Makers Dolge, A. Covina, 1913
Le Piano (La reveue Internat. de Mus.) Many RIM, 1939
The Modern Piano Nadler, L.M. Musical Opinion, London, no year
Das Klavichord Neupert, H. Barenreiter, no year
Harpsichord Music Kenyon, Max Cassel, 1949
Tschudi, the harpsichord maker Dale, W. Constable, London, 1913
The Harpsichord Schneider, E.H. Kassel, Basel, 1960
Il primo libro d'intavolatura di balli d'arpicordi Maria R. Heffer, 1949
Three Centuries of Harpsichord Making Hubbard, F. Harvard, 1965
The Harpsichord and Clavicord Rusell, R. Faber & Faber, London 1959
Histoire de la Boite a Mus. et de la Mus. Mecani. Chapuis, A. Scriptar, MCMLV
A guidebook of Automatic Musical Instruments Bowers, Q.D. Vestal, 1967-68
The book of the piano Gill, D., edit. Phaidon-Oxford
Automatic Musical Instruments 1580-1820 Haspels, J.J. Nirota, no year
The Piano Wier, A. Longmans, 1940
Michel's Piano Atlas Michel, N.E. Pierce, 1961
Rítmica, Dinámica, Pedal Leimer, K. Ricordi, 1938
Early keyboard instruments James. Ph. P.Davies, 1930
Piano Pedaling Riefling, R. Oxford, 1962
Duo-Pianism Moldenhauer, H. Chicago musical College, 1950
The Lives of the Piano Gaines, J.R., et al Harper, 1981
Historical Pianos Michel, N.E. Michel, 1963
Illustrated cat. of Piano Forte Actions not specf. Wessel, 1893
Catalogue of Alfred Dolge, 1869-92 Dolge, A. Dolge, 1869
Das Klavier Bie, O. Cassirer, Berlin, 1921
The Pianoforte Sumner, W.L. Macdonald, London, 1966
The great Pianists from Mozart to present Shonberg, H. Simon & Shuster, 1963
Men, Women and Pianos Loesser, A. Simon & Schuster, 12954
The Pianoforte Harding, R.E.M. Cambridge, 1933
The book of Complete Information About Pianos Wing & Son Wing & Son, 1897
El Piano Casella, A. Ricordi
L'emotion musicale et le piano Delpech, A. Leclerc, 1916
Mechanical musical instruments Buchner, A. Barchwoth, no year
The organ Sumner, Wm.L. Philosophical Lib. 1952
The Organ of the Ancients Farmer, H.G. Reeves, MCMXXXI
Manual del organista Riemann, H. Labor, 1929
The Electric Organ Whitworth, R. Musical Opiunion, Ltd., 1948
The Contemporary Organ Barnes, Wm.H. Fischer, 1937
The Story of the organ Williams, C.F.A. Walter Scott, 1916
Influence of the Organ in History Buck, D. Reeves, no year
Mechanische Musikinstrumente fruherer zeiten und ihre musik Simon, E. Breitkopf, 1960
Les Instruments de Musique du XXe Siecle Gratia, L.E. Heugel, 1931
Die Tontechnik des Pere Engramelle Schmitz, H.P. Barenreiter, Germany
Musical Boxes Clark, J.E.T. Cornish, no year
Antique Automatons not specf. A la Vielle Russie inc., 1950
Mechanische Musik-instrumente Protz, A. Barenreiter, Germany, 1939
From Music Boxes to Street Organs Waard, R. Vestal, 1967
Church and Chamber Barrel-Organs Noel B.C., et al Lyndesay, 1967
The Fairgroud Organ Cockayne, E.V. David & Charles, 1971
Re-Enacting the Artist Givens, L. Vestal, 1970
Musica y maquina Prieberg, F.K. Zeus, Espana, 1964
The cylinder musical box handbook Weeb, G. Faber & Faber, 1968
Music Boxes Hoke L., et al Hawthorn Books, 1957
The Fair Organ-How it Works Coickayne, E.V. Fair Organ P.S., 1966
History of Music Machines not specf. Smithsonian I.
Put Another Nickel in Bowers, Q.D. Vestal, 1966
Collecting Musical Boxes Ord-Hume, A.W.F.G. Crown, 1967
La musique mecanisee, in POLIPHONIE, rev. music. trimestrale many authors Richard-Masee
The Tratise of Al-Jazari on Automata. Coomaraswamy, A.K. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston MCMXXIV
A Pictorial History of the Caurousel Fried, F. Barnes, 1964
Les Automates Chapuis, A., et al Griffon, France
Le Monde des Automates Chapuis, A., et al Chapuis, 1928
The curious history of music boxes Mosoriak, R. Lightner, 1943
Les automates dans les oeubres d'imagination Chapuis, A. Du griffon, 1946
Player piano Ord-Hume, A. Allen, 1970
Encylopedya of automatic musical instruments Bowers, D. Vestal, 1972
Theory of earing Wever, E.R. Wiley and Chapman, 1949
The sciennce of musical sounds Miller, D.C. Macmillan, 1937
Acoustics for musicians Buck, P. Oxford, 1938
Sound and music Taylor, S. Macmillan, 1873
Harmonics or the philosophy of musical sounds Smith, R. Cambridge, MDCCXLIX
Radio sound efects Creamer and Hoffmnan Ziff-Davis, 1945
20 stepos to perfect amplification Shaney, A.C. Amplifier Co. 1947
How to make a good recordings not specf. Audio devices
Grabacion y reproduccion de discos Lowe, J.J. Klug Marchino, 1945
Music in radio broadcasting Fisher S. & Potter R. McGraw Hill, 1946
Geting the most out of your tape recorder Burstein, H. Rider, 1960
Tape recorders and tape recordings Weiler, H. Radio Magazines, 1956
Home book of recorded music and sound reproduction Canby, E.T., et al Pretice hall
Make music live Greene, I., et al Medill Mcbride, 1951
Sound effects Turnbull Rinehart, 1951
The recording and reproduction of sound Read, O. Howard, 1949
The power of sound Gurney, E. Smith Elder, 1880
Trumpets, horns and music Barbour, M. Michigan, 1963
A bibliography in audition not specf. Harvard, 1950
The journal of the ascoustical society of america 1-10 not specf. A.S.A., 1939
The journal of the acoustical society of america, 11-20 not specf. A.S.A., 1949
Sound Richardson, E.G. Longmans, 1927
Vibration and sound Morse, Ph. M. McGraw Hill, 1948
Noise and vibratrion engineering Slocum, S. Nostrand, 1931
Acoustics of buildings Watson, F.R. Wiley, 1941
Music, acoustics and architecture Beranek, L. Wiley, 1962
Planing for good acoustics Bagenal, H et al Dutton, 1931
Architectural acoustics Knudsen, V. Wiley, 1932
Sound and music Zahm, J.A. McClurg, 1892
Collected papers on acoustics Sabine, W.C. Harvard, 1927
On the sensations of tone Helmholtz, H. Longmans, 1912 (fourth edit.)
Le son et la musique Blaserna, P. & Helmholtz H. Germer, 1877
Les mathematiques et la musique Fokker, A.D. LKa Haye, 1947
L'art musical dans ses rapports avec la physique Becqerel, J. Hermann, 1926
The musicians arithmetic Meyer, M.F. Ditson, 1929
Sound Watson, F,R. Wiley, 1935
Visible speech Potter, R.K., et al Nostrand, 1947
Elements of acoustical engineering Olson, H.F. Nostrand, 1947
Acoustics of music Bartholomew, W. Prtentice hall, 1942
La musique renovee Pruvost, P. SFDLT, Paris, 1931
Waves Coulson, C.A. Oliver, 1944
Sound Jones, A.T. Nostrand, 1942
A texbook of sound Wood, A.B. Macmillan, 1941
Introduction to the phisics and psychophysics of music Roederer, J. English universities, 1974
Orchestral instruments and their use Elson, A. Page, 1902
Glenn Gould, music and mind Payzant, G. Key Porter, 1982
Gleen Gould Variations McGreevy, J. Quill, 1983
Manuale storico del violinista Branzoli, G. Venturini, 1894
Musical nationalism (north-american composers) not specf. Greenwood, 1983
Musical delights Thomsom, J.M. Thames and Hudson, 1984
De Gong-fabticantie te semarang Jacobson, E., et al Boeckhandel, 1907
Internationales archiv fur ethnographie Boas, F., et al Brill, 1939
Instr. of the modern orchr. & early records of the perc.fam. Schelsinger, K. Reeves, MCMX
Fuhrer durch die violinliteratur Meyer, F. Boswoth, 1910
Uber studium und Unterricht im geigenspiel Scholz, R. Breiotkopf, 1905
Italian Varnishes Fry, G. Stevens, 1904
The stringed instruments of the middle ages Panum, H. Reeves, no year
The history of the violin Sandys, W. et al Rusell, 1864
Thew violin, how to make it not specf. Ditson, no year
History and contruction of the violin Foucher, G. Shore, 1897
Instruments modern orchtr.& early rec.ofthe precursor family Schlesinger, K. Reeves, MCMX
Drum method Kupra, G. Robbins, 1938
The science of druming Kupra, G. Robbins, 1946
Percussion symposium Firth, V. Fischer, MCMLXVI
Percussion ensamble method Holloway, A.R., et al Brown, 1961
Coleccion de metodos para bandas y charaguas Pares, G. Lemoine, 1899
Rhythms of latin-america Marquez, R., et al Marquez, 1950
Timpani method Friese, A. Adler, 1954
Latin-american rhythm inst. & how to play them. Morales, H. Kar-val, 1949
Musical instruments Engel, C. SDcribner, 1876
The making of musical instruments Young C. Oxford, 1939
Kleiner katalog der sammlung alter musikinstrumente Kinsky, G. Breitkopff, 1913
The brass band and how to write for it Vincent, Ch. Winthrop, 1908
Storia degli strumenti musicali Bonaventura, A. Livorno, 1908
Strumenti e strumentazione Galli, A. Zonzogno, 1897
Le polycorde Giraud, F. Schott, 1884
L'orchestra Malipiero. F.G. Zanichelli, 1920
A textbook of european musical instruments Galpin, F.W. Dutton, 1937
The orchestra Carse, A. Chanticleer, 1949
Moulton church ant its bells Madge, S. Elliot Stock, 1895
English bells and bell lore North, Th. Mark, 1888
The bell Gatty A. Bell, MDCCCXLVII
Glockenkunde Mahrenholtz, Ch. Barebreitrer, 1948
Supplement to the Church bells of devonshire not specf. not specf.
Bells of the isle Major, B. Crowther, no year
Bells and bell ringing Coleman, S.N. Jhon Day, 1938
A book about bells Tyack, B.A. Andrews, 1898
Tintinabula Morris, E. Robeertr Hale, 1959
The book of bells Coleman, S. Jhon Day, 1938
The history and art of change ringing Morris, E. Chapman, 1931
Practical remarks on berlfries and ringers Ellacombe, H.T. Bell and son, 1878
Legends of the bells Morris, E. Sampson, no year
Carrillons of Belgium and holland Rice, Wm.G. John Lane, 1914
Carrillon Bigelow, A.L. Princeton, 1948
Carrillon music and singing towers [...] Rice, Wm.G. Doddf, 1925
The Carrillon Price, F.P. Oxford, 1933
Chimes and electronic carrillon Perry, P.D. John Day, 1948
Old english instruments of music Galpin, F.W. Mcclurg, 1911
A dictionary of old english music Pulver, J. Kegan Paul, 1923
The concert band Goldman, R.F. Rinehart, 1946
The orchestra Carse, A. Heffer, 1940
The orchestra from Beethoven to Berlioz Carse, A. Cambridge, 1948
Bach's orchestra Terry, Ch.S. Oxford, 1958
Origine des instruments de musique Schaeffner, A. Payot, 1936
Histoire des instruments de musique Brancour, R. Laurens, 1921
Les musiques bizarres a l'exopsition de 1900 (madagascar) Gauthier, J. Enoch, 1900
Les musiques bizarres a l'exposition de 1900 (Javanese) Gautier, J. S.E.L.A., Paris, 1900
The evolution of modern orchestration Coerne A. Macmillan, 1908
The castasnets and how to play them Tsoukalas, N. Tsoukalas, 1930
Haendel's ketteldrums and other papers on military music Farmer, H.G. Hinrichen, 1950
The marimbas of Guatemala Chenoweth, V. Kentucky Press, 1964
The drum book Coleman, S. John day, 1931
The marimba book Coleman, S. John Day, 1926
Preactical understanding of the percussion section Wildman, L. Humpheries, 1964
The musical glass and glass harmonica King, Hyatt Hyatt, 1946
Lampe de cymbals Lampoe, F.A. Rhenum, MDCCIII
Orchestal percussion technique Blades, J. Oxford, 1961
Crotalogia o la ciencia de las castanuelas Florencio, F.A. Subirana, 1882
The art of the tympanist and drummer Shivas, A.A. Dennis, 1947
Music in rhythm--as exemplified by the timpani Cummings, W.H. 1909
The history and romance of "rattling" musical jaw bones Miles, C.F. Standard, 1936
The kettle-drums Kirby, P. Oxford, 1930
The art ans science of the timpani Taylor, H. Baker, 1964
Drums, tomtoms and rattles Mason, B.S. Barnes, 1938
Cymbales et crotales dans l'egypte ancienne Hickmmann Le caire, MCMXLIX
Beating the tupan in the cantral balkans Arbatsky, Y. Newberry, 1953
Treatise of the angelica Menzies, D.
Cat. of the stearn collection of musical instruments Stanley, A. Michigan, 1918
La musique, les musiciens, et les instruments de musique Comettant, O. Levi, 1869
The Glenn Gould reader Page, T., edit. Knopf, 1984
Musical instruments and their homes Brown, M.E. & Brown, Wm.A. Dodd, 1888
Le trate d'orchestration d'hector berlioz Strauss, R. Peters, 1909
Traite practique d'instrumentation Guirauld, E. Durand, no year
Musical instruments, a comprehensive dictionary Marcuse, S. Dopubleday, 1964
Dictionarie des instruments de musique Wright, R. Battley, 1941
Musical instruments (history) Geirnger, K. Oxford, 1945
Storia e letteratura degli strumenti musicali Profeta, R. Editrice,
Tonreihen Riemann, L. Baedeker, 1890
Treatise of the military band Adkins, H.E. Boosey, 1945
Traite practique pratiquew d'instrumentation Guirauld, E. Durand, no year
Musikhistorisk museum Hammerich, A. Kobehavn, 1909
Gli strumenti musicali nel; museo del conservatorio di Milan not specf. Hoepli, 1908
Alte musikinstrumente Ruth-sommer Schmith, 1920
Ancient musical instrument of scotland Glen, R.
The history of musical instruments Sachs, C. Norton, 1940
Les harmonies du son Rambosson, J. Firmin didot, 1878
The soul of mbira Berliner, P. UC press, 1981
Les factures d'instruments de musique Pierre, C. Sagot, 1893
Die geshichte der mandoline not specf.
El dilema del sonido en la guitarra Pujol, E. Fernandez, 1934
La guitarra y su historia Pujol, E. Fernandez, 1934
Diccionariop de guitarristas Prat, D. Fernandez, 1934
The oboe Bate, Ph. Philosophical, 1956
Woodwind and their history Baines, A. Norton, 1957
Ther bassoon and contrabassoon Langwill, L.G. Benn, 1965
The trupet and the trombon Bate, Ph. Benn, 1966
Musical wind instruments Carse, A. Macmillan, 1939
Instruments a vent Bouasse, H. Delagrave, 1929
Die geschichte der bach un Handeltrompete Menke, W. Reeves, 1934
The saxophon Davis, B. Selmer, no year
Ancient european musical instruments Bessarboff Harvard, 1941
Musical instruments Hipkins, A.J. Black, 1945
Musical instrument through the ages Urwin, I. Spring, no year
Catalogue general de instruments egyptiennes, musee du caire Hickmann, H. IFAO, 1949
How to build musical instruments Geiger, L.F. Homecraft, no year
Le pittoresque musica a l'exposition Bailly, E. Humanite nouvelle, 1900
Les anciennes insatrument de musique Bricqueville Libraire de l'art, no year
Catalogue of the special exhib.of ancient instruments not specf. Strangeways, 1873
Musee retrospectif de la classe 17. instruments de musique not specf. Expo 1900, Paris, 1900
Military music: a history of wind-instrumental music Kappey, J.A. Boosey, no year
Musical instruments in the south kensignton museum Engel, C. Eyre, 1874
Hyperacoustics Dunk J.L. Dutton, 1921
The phisics of music Wood, A. Methuen, 1950
Man's world of sound Pierce, J.R. Doubleday, 1958
Tone Levaire S. & Levy, E. Kent univ., 1968
Noise and man Burns, W. Murray, 1968
Hearing Stevens, S.S., et al Wiley, 1947
Intervals, Scales and temperements Lloyd, Ll., et al St. Martin's, 1963
Rercherches sur la teorie de la musique Jamard. M. Jombert, 1769
Musico-physiologiques Meerens, Ch. Schott, 1868
Decibels and phones Lloyd, Ll.S. Oxford, 1938
Musical acoustics Broadhouse, J. New temple, no year
Sound and it's relation to music Hamilton, C. Ditson, 1912
The science of music Taylor, S. Appleton, 1892
Science and music Jeans, J. Cambridge, 1937
The musical ear Lloyd, Ll.S. Oxford, 1940
Musical acoustics Culver, Ch. Blackiston, 1947
The science and sensations of vocal tone Herbert-caesari, E.F. Dent, 1936
Musical engineering Olson, H. MacGraw Hill, 1952
Experiments in earing Bekesi, G. von McGraw Hill, 1960
The phisycs of muscal sound Taylor, C.A. English univ., 1965
Introductory acoustics Stewart, G.W. Nostrand, 1933
The theory of sound Strutt, J.Wm. & Rayleigh, B. Dover, 1945
The world of sound Bragg, Wm. Bell, 1933
Traite d'acoustique Chlandi, E.F.F. Courcier, 1809
Sound waves Miller, D.C. Macmillan, 1937
Acoustics Marks, P. Chgemical Publ., 1941
The story of sound Geralton, J. Harcourt, 1948
Hyperacoustics Dunk, J. Dent, 1941
Speech and earing Fletcher, H. Nostrand, 1929
Ueber Klangfiguren Antolik, K. Friedlaender, 1890
The new acoustics McLachan, B.M. Oxford, 1936
The problem of noise Bartlett, M.A. Cambridge, 1934
Applied architectural acoustics Rettinger, M. Chemical publ., 1947
Practical acoustics Begenal, H. Chemical publ., 1942
Science and music Berger, M., et al McGraw Hill, 1961
Waves and the ear Bergeijk W., et al Anchor, 1960
Horns, strings and Harmony Benade, A. Anchor, 1960
Theory of sound Blaserna, P. Appleton, 1892
La musicque et la science Saint-George, H. Fischbacher, 1912
Manuel d'harmonie De Gerase, N. Baur, 1881
Esthetique musicale scientifique Lalo, Ch. Alcan, 1908
Le son Guillemin, A. Hachette, 1878
Elementos de sciencias musicais Branco, L. de F. Sasseti, 1922
Physics and music Anfilov, G. Mir, 1966
The stratification of musical rhythm Yetson, M. New Haven, 1976
La perception de la musique Frances, R. Philosophique, 1958
Musical taste. Its measurement and cultural nature Fernsworth, P.R. Stanford, 1950
Improvability of pitch discrimination Wyatt, R. A.P.A.,1945
Fur augen und ohren Many authors Akadenmie der kunste, 1980
Music of three seasons: 1974-1977 Porter, A. Farrar Staruss, 1978
Software for people Oliveros, P. Smith, 1984
A generative theory of tonal music Lardhal, F., et al Mit, 1983
Music theatre in a change society Bornoff, J. Unesco, 1968
The composer's voice Cone, E.T. UC press, 1974
Questions about music Sessions, R. Norton, 1971
Gozar y comprender la musica Velazques, G.O. Porrua, 1973
Music Scott, C. Rider, 1933
Rice & development of military music Farmer, H.J. Reeves, 1912
Histoire musicalle de la main Gouget, E. Fischbacher, 1898
Il metronomo Passagni, L. Ricordi, no year
Curiosoties of the keyboard and the staff Rodhes, A. Augener, 1896
L'argot musical Gouget, E. Fishbacher, 1892
Music and puritanism Scholes, P.A. Sauberlin, 1934
The songs of insects Pierce, G.W. Harvard, 1948
Color-music Rimington, A.W. Hutchinson, 1911
Music and morals Haweis, H.R. Harper, ca. 1871
The great abuse of music Bedford, A. J.F., 1711
Curiosities of music Elson, L.C. Oliver Ditson, no year
The psychology of sound Watt. H.J. Cambridge, 1917
Objective analysis of musical performance Seashore, E., edit. Iaowa, 1936
Music and medicine Schullman, D.M., et al Shuman, 1948
Musique, psychologie et psychotherapie Guilhoty, J., et al Sociales francaises, 1964
The efects of music Schoen, M. Kegal, 1927
Psychology of music Seashore, C.E. McGraw-Hill, 1938
Traite des effets de la musique Roger, J.L. Reymann, 1803
The psychology of musical talent Seashore, C.E. Silver, 1919
Threshold of music Wallace, Wm. Macmillan, 1908
The borderland of music and psychology Howes, F. Kegan, 1926
The musical faculty Wallace, Wm. Macmillan, 1914
In search of beauty in music Seashore, C.E. Ronald, 1947
An experimental psychology of music Feininger, K. Gemunder, 1909
Ralation of psychology to music Bartholomew, E.F. Rock island, 1899
The beautiful in music Schoen, M. Kegan, 1928
A study of the nature of music and the power of music Autcliffe, H. Wavwerly, no year
Formalized music Xenakis, I. Indiana, 1971
An objective psychology of music Lundin, R.W. Ronald, 1953
The psychology of musical ability Shuter, R. Methuen, 1968
The psychology of a musical prodigy Revesz, G. Harcourt, 1925
Music therapy Podolsky, E., edit. Philosophical, 1954
La musicoterapia Paubrese, J. La irradiacion, no year
The psycholoy of music Davies, J.B. Hutchinson, 1978
Emotion and meaning in music Meyer, L.B. Chicago, 1956
Aproximacion a una estetica de la musica contemporanea De pablo, L. Ciencia nueva, 1968
The modern composer and his world Beckwith, J., edit. Toronto, 1961
Rencontres avec Pierre Boulez Golea, A. Julliard, 1958
Notes of an appreticeship Boulez, P. Knoff, 1968
De palestrina a Bartok Gavoty, B. Flammarion, 1965
I am a composer Honegger, A. St. Martin, 1966
The art of judging music Thomson, V. Knoff, 1948
The musical scene Thomson, V. Knoff, 1945
Music right and left Thomson, V. Holt, 1951
The state of music Thomson, V. Morrow, 1939
Stravisnky Vlad, R. Oxford, 1960
Stravisnky in the theatre Lederman, M., edit. Pellegrini, 1949
Stravisnky chronicle of a frienship Craft, R. Knopf, 1972
Encounters with Stravisnky Horgan, P. Strauss, 1972
Prejudices in disguise Craft, R. Knopf, 1974
The music of Igor Stravinsky Den Torn, P.C. New Haven, 1983
Shoenberg and Stravinsky Boretz, B., et al Princeton, 1968
Stravinsky selected correspondence I Craft, R. Knopf, 1982
Stravinsky seen and heard Keller, H., et al Toccata, 1982
Stravinsky selected correspondence II Keller, H., et al Toccata, 1982
Stravinsky selected correspondence II Craft, R. Faber, 1984
Dearest Bubushkin Craft, R., edit. Thames, 1985
Igor Stravinsky, in Ars, revista de arte not specf. Ars, 1979
Bravo Stravinsky Craft, R. World, 1967
Igor and Vera Stravinsky Craft, R., et al Thames, 1982
A Stravinsky scrapbook Craft, R. Thames, 1982
Stravinsky White, R.W. Philosophical, 1948
Igor Stravinsky Tansmann, A. Putnam, 1949
Poetica musical Stravinsky, I. Emece, 1946
Nuevas cronicas de mi vida Stravinsky, I. Sur, 1936
Cronicas de mi vida Stravinsky, I. Sur, 1935
El caso Strawinsky Ramos, S. Contemporaneos, 1929
Expositions and Developments Stravinsky, I. & Craft, R. Doubleday, 1962
Memories and comentaries Stravinsky, I. & Craft, R. Doubleday, 1960
Themes and episodes Stravinsky, I. & Craft, R. Knopf, 1966
Retrospectives and conclusions Stravinsky, I. & Craft, R. Knopf, 1969
Conversations with Igor Stravinsky Stravinsky, I. & Craft, R. Doubleday, 1959
Dialogues and a Diary Stravinsky, I. & Craft, R. Doubleday, 1963
Themes and conclusions Stravinsky, I. Faber, 1972
And music and the close Libman, L. Norton, 1972
Stravinsky White, E.W. Faber, 1966
Stravinsky in pictures and documents Craft, R. & Stravinsky, V. Simon, 1978
Confronting Stravinsky Pasler, J., edit. UC Press, 1976
Igor Stravinsky Stravinsky, I. Norton,. 1962
Stravinsky Lang, P.H. Norton,. 1962
Igor Stravisnsky Corle, E., edit. Armitage, 1949
Avec Stravisnsky not specf. Roche, 1958
Story of notation Williams, A. Walter Scott, 1903
La notation musicale Machevy, A. Universitaires, 1952
The new worlds of Edgar Varese Solkema, S., edit i.s.a.m., 1979
Genesis of a music Partch, H. Wisconsin, 1949
Essays Bartok, B. Faber, 1976
The writings of Elliot Carter Carter, E. Indiana, 1977
Music and politics Henze, H.W. Cornell, 1982
The Philosophy of music Pole, Wm. Trubner, 1887
A Virgil Thomson reader Thomson, V. Mifflin, 1981
Jhon Cage at 75 Fleming, R. Lewisburg, 1989
John Cage, a catalogue of works not specf. Peters, 1962
A John Cage reader Gena, P. Peters, 1982
Charles Ives and his music Cowell, H. Oxford, 1955
Mind models Reynolds, R. Praeger, 1975
Hablar de musica Alcaraz, A. UAM, 1982
Breaking the sound barrier Battock, G. Dutton, 1981
Bela Bartok Moreux, S. Haarvill, 1953
Chavez, vida y obra Morillo, R.G. FCE, 1960
Carl Ruggles Harrison, L. Baradinsky, 1946
Bartok, life and music Stevens, H. Oxford, 1953
Essays before a sonata Ives, Ch. Norton, 1962
Sound structure of music Erickson, R. UC press, 1975
Darius Milhaud Collaer, P. Boeckhaendel, 1947
Music and imagination Copland, A. Harvard, 1952
Coopland on music Copland, A. Doubleday, 1960
Musical handwriting Jacob, A. Oxford, 1949
How to write music Harris, C.A. Gray, 1918
La musique et le signe Chailley, J. Laussane, 1967
La notation musicale et son influence [...] Tappolet, W. Bacconerie, 1947
Modern music notation Bohem, L. Schrimer, 1956
Fifty figure and character dance Bell, E.T. Barnes, 1925
Music fof fifty figure and character dance Bell, E.T. Barnes, 1925
Le livre de vie Obouhov, N. Haumond, no year
New music vocabulary Risati, H. Illinois, 1975
Notations Cage, J. Something else, 1969
The philosophy of sound and history of music Higgings, W.M. Orr, MDCCCXXXVIII
The biological bases of the evolution of music Kryzhanovsky, I.I. Oxford, 1928
Le langaje musical Ingenieros, D'J. Alcan, 1907
The nature of music Scherchen, H. Dennis dobson, MCMXLVI
Ezra Pound and music Pound, E. New directions, 1977
Music and music printing in incunabula Kinkeldey, O. B.S.A., 1932
A list of books about music (english) Scholes, P.A. Oxford, 1940
Catalogue of early books on music (bef. 1800) Bartlett, H. Lib. of cong., 1944
Hoolywood Quarterly not specf. UC press, 1946
Catalogue de livres de musique Laurence, L. de la Droz, 1936
Versteigerung der musikbibliothek not specf. Breslauer, 1929
Musikbibliothek Wolffheim, W. Breslauer, 1929
Miscellanea musicae bio-bibliographica Springer, H. Musurgia, 1947
Guide to books on music and musicians Darell, R.D. Schrimer, 1951
Bibliography on books of music Gleason, H. Gleason, 1948
Musica mexicana contemporanea Gonzalez, M.A., et al SEP, 1982
Musica espanola de vanguardia Marco, T. Guadarrama, 1970
Introduccion a la musica mexicana del siglo XX Malmstrom, D. FCE, 1977
Carlos Chavez Morillo, R.G. FCE, 1978
La voluntad de crear Adomian, L. UNAM, 1981
Varese Varese, L. Norton, 1972
Con la musica por dentro Ascot, J.G. Casillas, 1982
Music and meaning Coker, W. Free, 1972
New directions in music Cope, D. Brown, 1971
Elliot Carter Rosen Ch. Lib. Cong., 1984
A conversation with elliot carter Edwards, A. Norton, 1971
Essays on music today Boulez, P. Harvard, 1971
Penser la musique de ajourd'hui Boulez, P. Gonthier, 1963
Perfect pitch Slonimsky, N. Oxford, 1988
Americas Garland, P. Soundings, 1982
Olivier Messian Griffiths, P. Cornell, 1985
Charles Ives en el recuerdo Perlis, V. EDISA, 1977
Pensamiento musical Bussono, F. UNAM, 1982
Charles Ives and his music Cowell, H. & Sidney Oxford, 1969
The Schillinger system of musical composition Schillinger, J. Fischer, 1946
Music reference and research materials Duckles, V. Free, 1964
The conductor's art Bamberger, C. McGrawHill, 1965
Dictionary of cinema, sound and music Clason, W.E Elsevier, 1956
Music for the movies Levy, L. Sampson, 1948
Music for the films Sabaneev, L. Pitman, 1935
The conductor raises his baton Finn, W.J. Dobson, 1944
L'art de diriger Kufferath, M. Fischbacher, 1909
Polish music Jarocinski, S. PWN, 1965
Wolds on music Bacon, E. Syracruse, 1960
Musioc and the european mind Dunwell, B.A. Jenkins, 1962
Interpreters and interpretations Vechten, C. van Knopf, 1917
Piccola guida alla bibliografia musicale Villans, L.A. Boca, 1906
The literature of music Matthew, J.E. Stock, 1896
Musicallia Davies, J.H. Pergamon, 1966
Bibliographie musicale not specf. Niogret, 1822
E.T.A. Hoffman and music Schafer, M. Toronto, 1975
Elliot Carter, sketches and scores not specf. N.Y. Public Library, 1972
Musica y revolucion Ardevol, J. Contemporaneos, 1966
Leonardo da Vinci as a musician Winternitz, E. Yale, 1982
Ese musico que llevo dentro Carpentier, A. Letras Cubanas, 1980
Henry Cowwel's new music Mead, R. UMI, 1981
A year from monday Cage, J. Weselay, 1967
Empty words Cage, J. Weseley, 1979
M (sic) Cage, J. Weseley, 1973
This man and music Burgess, A. Discus, 1983
For the birds: John Cage and Daniel Charles Charles, D. Marion, 1981
Boulez Peyser, J. Schrimer, 1976
Theorie der pneumatischen orgeltraktur Biehle, J. Breitkopf, 1911
L'emotion musicale et le piano Delpech, A. Henri, 1916
The lives of the piano Burgess, A., et al Harper, 1981
Choreaographic music Arvey, V. Dutton, 1941
Myth and ritual in dance, game and rhyme Spence, L. Watts, 1947
Modern dance forms Horst, L. et al Impluse, 1961
Spanish dance Meri, L. Barnes, 1948
Strawinsky Lederman, M. Dance index, 1947
Picasso and the ballet not specf. Dance index, 1946
Histoire de la dance Vaillat, L. Plon, 1942
La dance sonore Stanislas, M. P.U. de france, 1940
Music in the theatre not specf. Theatre arts monthly, 1928
Dance notation not specf. Dance index, 1946
American Ballet Sociedad musical Daniel S.M.D., 1941
La danza y el ballet Salazar, A. F.C.E., 1949
Music and the dance Evans, E. Jenkins, no year
Dancing Gods Fergusson, E. Knopf, 1931
The borzoi book of modern dance Lloyd, M. Knopf, 1949
El arte de bailar Comas, F. Fontana, no year
reflexiones sobre la danza y la musica Sakharoff, A. Emece, 1949
Music trough the dance Porter, E. Batford, 1937
Dance we must Shawn, T. Dobson, 1946
The dance encyclopedia Chujoy, A. Barnes, 1949
A biliography of dancing Magriel, P.D. Wilson, 1936
A bibliography of dancing Magriel, P.D. Wilson, 1941
World history of dance Sachs, C. Norton, 1937
Dances of spain and italy, 1400-1600 Dolmetsch, M. Kegan, 1954
The dance Martin. J. Tudor, 1946
El baile Charbonnel, R. Garnier, 1901
Insel Bali Krause, G. Folkwang, 1920
Music by computers Foertser, H. von, et al Willey, 1969
Music and technology not specf. La revue musicale, 1970
Electronic music Strange, A. Brown, 1972
The technology of computer music Mathews, M. MIT, 1969
Electronic musical instruments Lewer, S.K. Elec, engineer., 1948
The electrical production of music Douglas, A. Philosophical, 1957
Elektrische Klangerzeugung Meyer-Eppler, W. Dummers, 1949
Que es la musica electronica? Eimert, H., et al Nueva vision, 1959
Que es la musica conctreta? Schaffer, P. Nueva vision,1959
Computer aplications in music Lefkoff, edit. Virginia, 1967
Musique nouvelle not specf. Espirit, 1960
Electronic music and musique concrete Judd, F.C. Spoearman, 1961
Musica de la era tecnica Prieberg, F. Eudeba, 1961
Initiation a la composition musicale automatique Barbaud, P. Dunod, 1966
Musical instruments and audio Briggs, G.A. Wharfedale, 1965
Electronic organ handbook Anderson, H.E. Foulsham, 1964
Music in modern media Dolan, R.E. Scrimer, 1967
International electronic music catalog not specf. Electronic music review, 1967
A bibliography of electronic music Cross, L.M. Toronto, 1967
Music of many cultures May, E. et al U.C. Press, 1980
Twentieth century music Hansen, P.S. Allyn, 1961
Twentieth century music: an introduction Salzaman, E. Prentice, 1967
Temporal gestalt perception in music Tenney, J. unpublished version
James Joyce, Marcel Duchamp, Erik Satie: an alphabet Cage, J. Unpublished version
A history of consonance and dissonance Tenney, J. York, 1980
Anaglyphos Torres, P.G. Marsch. 1984
22 contemporary australian composer Jenkins, J. NMA, 1988
All american music Rockwell, J. Knopf, 1983
Notation in new music Karkoshka, E. Praeger, 1972
Feeling and form Langer, S.K. Scribner, 1953
Reflections on art Langer, S.K. Oxford, 1961
Music as metaphor Ferguson, D.N. Minnesota, 1960
Sound and symbol Zukerkandl, V. Pantheon, 1956
The sense of music Zuckerkandl, V. Princeton, 1959
The wellsprings of music Sachs, C. Hague, 1962
Philosophies of music history Allen, W.D. Dover, 1962
The language of music Cooke, D. Oxford, 1959
The shaping forces in music Toch, E. Criterion, 1948
The musical experience of composer, performer, listener Sessions, R. Princeton, 1950
Music in the modern world Myers, R.H. Edward, 1943
The scope of music Buck, P.C. Oxford, 1924
Music in society before 1900 Allen, W.D. Allen, 1949
Ideas and music Cooper, M. Chilton, 1965
Music. The arts and ideas Meyer, L.B. Chicago, 1967
The musical simbol (philosophy) Epperson, G. Iowa, 1967
Man and his music Harman, A. Oxford, 1962
Man, mind and music Howes, F. Secker, 1948
Music and society Mellers, W. Dobson, 1946
Music and society Siegmaiter, E. Critics, 1938
Music and its environment Rosenbourg, R.K. Island, 1949
Musique vivante Etienne Marie, J. Privat, 1953
Domaine musical Boulez, P. Grasset, 1954
Musique et universe sonore not specf. Age noveau, 1955
Music since 1900 Slonimsky, N. Coleman-Ross, 1949
Old friend and new music Nabokov, N. Hamilton, 1955
XX century music idioms Marquis, G.W. Prentice, 1964
La musica del siglo XX Herzfeld, F. Labor, 1964
Since Debussy Hodeir, A. Grove, 1961
The agony of modern music Pleasants, H. Schuster, 1955
Serious musioc and all that jazz Pleasants, H. Schuster, 1969
Horizons sonores Siohan, R. Flammarion, 1956
Musical trends in the 20th century music Demuth, N. Salisbury, 1952
Philosophie de la nouvelle musique Adorno, T.W. Gallimard, 1962
La musique et ses problemes contemporaines not specf. Julliard, 1963
20th Century music Yates, P. Pantheon, 1967
Musica y sociedad en el siglo XX Salazar, A. Casa de Espana, 1939
Change imagery Brecht, G. Great bear, 1966
How to improve the world... Cage, J. Great bear, 1967
The art of noise Russolo, L. Great bear, 1967
A zaj sampler not specf. Grat bear, 1967
20 ans de musique contemporaine Golea, A. Seghers, 1962
The language of modern music Mitchell, D. Faber, 1963
Introduction to contemporary music Machlis, J. Norton, 1961
Contemporary composers on contemporary music not specf. Holt, 1967
Composers in America Reis, C.R. Macmillan, 1947
The American composer speaks Chase, G. edit. Louisiana, 1966
La musica en los estados unidos Paz, J.C. FCE, 1952
American composers on american music Cowell, H., edit. Frederick, 1961
Foundations builders of modern music Birdsall, J. Tripp, 1929
Music ho! Lambert, C. Faber,
Musical uproar in moscow Werth A. Turnstile, 1949
20th century music, an introduction Hansen, P.S. Allyn, 1961
Steve Reich Reich, S. Universal, 1961
Music in the 20th century Austin, Wm.W. Norton, 1966
Visage de la musique contemporaine Mooser, R.A. Julliard, MCMLXII
La musica de nuestro tiempo Golea, A. Era, 1962
Regards sur la musique contemporaine Mooser, R.A. Rouge, 1947
Panorama de la musica contemporanea Samuel, C. Guadarrama, 1965
Musique nouvelle Stuckenschmith, H.H. Correa, 1956
20th Century music Myers, R.H., edit Calder, 1960
A guide to electronic music Griffiths, P. Hudson, 1979
Experimental music Hiller, L.A., et al McGraw hill
A la recherche d'une musique concrete Schaeffer, P. Du seuil, 1952
Antheil and the treatise on harmony Pound, E. MCMXXVII
New musical resources Cowell, H. Knopf, 1930
Music here and now Krenek, E. Norton, 1939
Toward a new music Chavez, C. Norton, 1937
Stockhausen's klavierstuck X Henck, H. Neuland, 1980
Stokhausens klavierstuck IX Henck, H. S.M.,m 1978
Musical thought Chavez, C. Harvard, 1961
Les musiques experimentales Moles, A.A. Cercle du art cont., 1960
Music, a science and an art Redfield, J. Tudor, 1928
Schoenberg and his school Leibowitz, R. Philosophical, 1949
Composition with 12 notes Rufer, J. Rockliff, 1954
Serial composition Brindle, R.S. Oxford, 1966
The path to the new music Webern, A. Universal, 1963
Qu'est-ce que la musique de 12 sons? Leibowitz, R. Dynamo, 1948
Serial music and electronic music, a bibliography Basart, A.Ph. U.C., 1961
Serial composition and atonality Perle, G. Berkeley, 1962
Style and idea Schoenberg, A. Philosophical, 1950
Sketch of a new esthetic of music Bussoni, F. Schrimer, 1911
La evolucion de la musica Leibowitz, R. Nueva vision, 1957
Autobiografia y estudios Krenek, E. Rialp, 1940
The new music Dyson, G. Oxford, 1923
Orpheus, or the music of the future Turner, W.J. Dutton, 1926
The philosophy of modernism (music) Scott, S. Kegal, no year
Musica y musicos contemporaneos Copland, A. Losada, 1945
La musica moderna Salazar, A. Losada, 1944
Exploring 20th cenmtury music Deri, O. Holt, 1968
Structural hearing Salzer, F. Boni, 1952
Las resonance dans les echelles musicales Weber, E., edit. C.N.R.C., 1960
Le nombre d'or Ghyka, M.C. Gallimard, 1931
A theory of evolving tonality Yasser, J. A.M.M., 1932
A composer's world Hindemith, P. Harvard, 1952
Music after the great war Vechten, C. van Schrimer, 1915
Almanach de la musique Honneger, A., edit. Flore, 1950
Music 1900-1930 Swan, A. Norton, 1929
Entretiens de la musique Ansermet, E. & Piguet, J-Cl. Bacconier, 1963
Semantique musicale Danielou, A. Hermann, 1967
Exploring music Krenek, E. Calder, 1966
European music in the 20th century Hartog, H., edit. Praeger, 1957
Contemporary tone-structures Forte, A. Columbia, 1955
Studies in contemporary music Mellers, W. Dobson, 1947 4
Notes sans musique Milhaud, D. Julliard, 1949
20th century music: An introduction Salzman, E. PrenticeHall, 1967
Experimental music Nyman, M. Schrimer, 1974
A fuge in cycles and bells Mills, J. Nostrand, 1935
The life and death of a small magazine (modern music) Lederman, M. ISAM, 1983
Rhytmus und vortrag Tetzel, E. Wolbing, 1926
Perpsectives on contyemporary music theory Boretz, B., edit. Norton, 1972
Ives, A survey of the music Hitchcock, H.W. ISAM, 1977
The sense of music Zuckerland, V. Princeton, 1959
Musical forms and textures Demuth, N. Rockliff, 1953
The forms of music Hodeir, A. Walker, 1951
Experimental research in music Madsen, C.K., et al Prerntice-hall
The languague of music Liepmann, K. Ronald, 1953
The art of music Cannon, B.C. Yale, 1960
The works of Armnold Schoenberg Rufer, J. Faber and Faber, 1959
Challenge to musical tradition Katz, A.T. Knopf, 1945
Musical form Leichtentritt, H. Harvard, 1951
What is rhythm? Sonnenschein, E.A. Basil, 1925
Sound and rhythm Edmunds, W. Baillere, 1906
The rhythmic conception of music Glyn, M.H. Bosworth,
The rhythm of modern music Williams, C.F.A. MacMillan, 1909
The rhythm of songs Williams, C.F.A. Methuen, 1925
The r^ole of kinaesthesis in the perception of rhythm Ruckmich Ch.A. A.J.P., 1913
Origins of musical time and expression Harding, R.E.M. Oxford, 1938
Sur le rythme musical Dumesnil, R. Not specf.
Die categorie der zeit in der musik Klugmann F. Bonn, 1961
Tempo rubato McEwen, J. Oxford, 1928
The aristoxenian theory of musical rhythm Williams, C.F.A. Cambridge, 1911
Principles of rhythm Creston, P. Colombo, F. 1961
The rhythmic structure of music Cooper, G.W. & Meyer, L.B. Chicago, 1960
Rhythm and tempo Sachs, C. Norton, 1953
The stratification of musical rhythm Yetson, M. New Haven, 1976
Rhythm, music and education Jaques-Dalcroze, E. Putnam, 1921
Rhythm, an annotated bibliography Winick, S.D. Scarecrow, 1974
The american rhythm Austin, M. Riverside, 1930
El ritmo musical Lussy, M. Ricordi, 1945
Rhythm Bolton, T.L. Not specf.
La richesse rythmique musicale Houdard, not specf.
Le rythme musical Biton, Ph. Henn, 1948
Ethos und mythos der Rhythmen Huber, A.G. Heitz, 1947
Traite practique du rythme Fontaine, F. Lemoine, 1955
Le temps musical Brelet, G. P. Universitaires, 1949
Le rythme musical Willems, E. P. Univeritaires, 1954
1er congres du rythme Primmer, A., edit. Geneve, 1926
Rhythm in music Wedge, G.A. Schrimer, 1927
Encyclopedia of rhythms Schillinger, J. Colin, no date
Rythm in music Wedge, G.A. Schrimer, 1927
Theorie du rythme Combarieu, J. Picard, 1897
Urbeit und rhytmus Bucher, K. Reinike, 1924
The origine and structure of rhythm Dunk, J.L. Clarke, 1952
The time of music Kramer, J.D. Schrimer, 1988
Reflections on art Langer, S.K., edit. Hopkins, 1958
Il rumore del tempo Lombardi, D. Centro di, 1983
A musical offering Lee, J., edit. Meanjin, Melbourne, 1988
Orchestration Forsdyth, C. Macmillan, 1936
The art of melody Edwards, A.C. Vision, 1948
Silence Cage, J. Wesleyan, 1961
The homophomic forms of musical composition Goetshius, P. Schrimer, 1898
Steps to parnassus (couterpoint) Mann, A. Norton, 1943
Harmony in western music Goldman, R.F. Norton, 1965
Contemporary harmony Ulehla, L. Free, 1966
A short instroduction to the techique of 12 tone composition Spinner, L. Boosey, 1960
Theme and variations (12 tone composition) Kelly, R. Brown, 1949
New harmonic devices Miller, H.A. Ditson, 1930
The evolution od 20th century music Dunwell, W. Novello, 1960
Harmonic practice Sessions, R. Brace, 1951
Mort et transfiguration de l'harmonie Costere, E. P. Universitaires, 1962
The theory of harmony Shirlaw, M. Coar, 1955
La armonia en la musica contemporanea Villar, R. Paez, 1927
Tonal harmony in concept and practice Forte, A. Rinehart, 1962
Modern harmony Hull, A.E. Augener, no year
Theory of harmony Shoenberg, A. Philosophical, 1948
Counterpoint Clarke, H.A. Theo, 1901
The craft of musical compositon Hindemith, P. Music publishers, 1942
Creative counterpoint Liebermerman, M. Bacon, 1966
Studies in counterpoint Krenek, E. Schrimer, 1940
20th century counterpoint Searle, H. Benn, 1954
The technique and spirit of fugue Oldroyd, G. Oxford, 1960
20th century fugue Graves, W.L. Catholic, 1962
Counterpoint Rubbra, E. Hutchinson, 1960
Preliminary exercises in counterpoint Schoenberg, A. Faber, 1963
Fugue (history and practice) Horsley, I. Free, 1966
The study of fugue Mann, A. Rutgers, 1958
Modal counterpoint (16th Century) Krenek, E. Boosey, 1959
Tonal counterpoint (18th century) Krenek, E. Boosey, 1958
The compositional matrix Forte, A. Music teachers N.A., 1961
Harmony in modern couterpoint Middleton, R.E. Alllyn, 1967
The terchique of modern variation Nelson, R.U. Berkeley, 1948
The structure of musical scale Dunk, J.L. Bodley, 1940
Form and performance Stein, E. Faber, 1962
Tonality in modern music R Reti, R. Collier, 1958
La gamme et le langage musical Emery, E. Universitaires, 1961
Tonality, atonality, pantonality Reti, R. Maqcmillan, 1958
A texbook of melody (analysis) Waesberghe, J.S. van A.I.M., 1955
A history of melody Szabolci, B. Barrie, 1965
Tune Holst, I. Faber, 1962
Coposing for the films Eiler, H. Oxford, 1947
New sounds for woodwind Bartolozzi, B. Oxford, 1967
The thematic process in music Reti, R. Macmillan, 1951
The art of orchestration Rogers, B. Appleton, 1951
Contemporary instrumental techniques Read, G. Schrimer, 1976
The american record index Lebow, B. Elaine, 1950
Long playing record catalog not specf. Schawn, 1951
Long playing record catalog not specf. Schawn, 1951
Bach on records Marek, G. Four corners, 1942
The collector's bach Broder, N Lippincott, 1958
Music on records Haggin, B.H. Oxford, 1938
The american records index Lebow, B. Elaine, 1950
Record catalogue not specf. Mezhdunarodnaya, 1950
Collector's guide to american recordings Moses, J.M. A.R.C.E., 1949
The record guide Sacksville-west, E. Collins, 1951
Complete catalogue of industani records not specf. Columbia, 1952
Complete catalogue of industani records not specf. Columbia, 1951
Gramophone records of african music Tracey, H., edit. Gallo, 1952
The gramophon shop encyclopedia of recorded music Darrel, R.D., edit. Gramophon, 1936
New Guide to recorded music Kolodin, I. Doubleday, 1947
Records, 1950 edition Hall, D. Knopf, 1950
New hot discography Delaunay, Ch. Criterion, 1948
The record book Hall, D. Durrell, 1948
The jazz record book Smith, Ch.E., et al Durrell, 1942
Hamline studies in musicology Krenek, E., edit. Hamline, 1945
Das moderne tonsystem in seiner erwriteren und vervollk... Blum, C.R. Erler, 1911
The technique of my musical languaje Messian, O. Leduc, 1956
The foundations of musical judgment Smith, B.A. Holly cross, 1964
Technique de mon langage musical (musical examples) Messian, O. Leduc, 1944
Foundation grant to individuals not specf. The foundation center, 1984
Music of three more seasons Porter, A. Kbbopf, 1981
Getting grants Smith, C.W. Harper, 1980
Grants for the arts White, V.P. Plenum, 1980
The art of melody Edwards, A. Philosophical, 1956
A John Cage reader Gena P. & Brent, J. Peters, 1982
Musik und technik Ligeti, G. Siedler, 1981
Thesaurus of orchestal devices Read, G. Pitman, 1953
Orchestal wind instruments Daubeny, U. Reeves, 1920
Compendio de instrumentacion Riemann, H. Labor, 1928
The orchestal instruments and what they do Mason, D.G. Novello, 1909
Music in the nation Haggin, B.H. Sloane, 1940
Introduction to musicology Haydon, G. Prentice-Hall
The main stream of music and other essays Tovey, D.F. Oxford, 1949
From madrigal to modern music Moore, D. Norton, 1942
Les etapes de la chanson Papin, H. Lachize, 1898
Music and manners Beaty-Kingston, W. Chapman, 1887
Der kligende garten (eros and music) Weissman, A. Neuekunsthandlung, 1920
Musical myths and facts Engel, C. Novello, MDCCCLXXVI
La musique et son histoire Rougon, P. Garnier, 1920
America's music Chase, G. McGraw Hill, 1966
Music in a new found land Mellers, W. Barrie, 1964
The four ages of music Wiora, W. Dent, 1965
Musi in the life of man Portnoy, J. Holt, 1963
The music of the most ancient nations Engel, C. Reeves, 1864
The social psychology of music Farnsworth, P.R. Dryden, 1958
Our musical heritage Sachs, C. Prentice-hall, 1948
Mediaeval and renaissance choral music not specf. McLaughlin, 1940
The story of chamber music Kilburn, N. Walter scott, 1904
The interpretation of the music (XVII and XVIII centuries) Dolmetsch, A. Oxford, 1946
16th century polyphony Merritt, A.T. Cambridge, 1946
J.S. Bach Schweitzer, A. Charles black, 1945
Howe music expresses ideas Finkelstein, S. International publishers, 1952
Music in the history of the western church Dickinson, E. Scribner's sons, 1931
Gleanings from the history of music Bird, J. Mussey, 1850
Keyboard music from the middle ages Bedrock, G.S. Macmillan, 1949
J.S. Bach's musical offering David, H.T. Schrimer, 1945
Musical history: biography and criticism Hogharth, G. Parker, 1935
La musique americaine Gauthier, A. Universitaires, 1963
Collin Wilson on music Wilson, C. Pan, 1967
Forma y expresion de la musica Salazar, A. El colegio de mexico, 1941
La musica en la antiguedad Sachs, C. Labor, 1934
Los grandes periodos en la historia de la musica Salazar, A. O.S.M., 1941
La musique des troubadours Beck, J. Laurens, 1928
Music and poetry of the english renaisance Pattison, B. Methuen, 1948
The english madrigal composers Fellowes, E.H. Oxford, 1921
A history od english cathedral music Bumpus, J.S. Laurie, no year
Music in London Shaw, B. Contable,1950
Music in western civilization Lang, P.H. Norton, 1941
Source readings in music history Strunk, O. Norton, 1950
The rise of music in the ancient world Sachs, C. Norton, 1943
The bach reader David, H.T. Norton, 1945
Music in the baroque era Bukofzer, M.F. Norton, 1947
The sonata in the baroque era Newman, Wm.S. Chapel hill, 1959
The notation of polyphonic music Apel, W. Mediaeval academy, 1942
The notation of medieval music Parrish, C. Norton, 1957
Reprise (early music) Cohen J., Snitzer, H. Brown, 1985
Masterpieces of music before 1750 Parrish, C., et al Norton, 1951
Dances of england and france (1450-1600) Dolmetsch, M. Kegan, 1949
The mirror of the music, 1844-1944 Scholes, P.A. Novello, 1947
The golden age of italian music O'brien, G. Jarrolds, no year
Musica, historia e ideas Leichtentritt, H. Espasa-Calpe, 1945
New Oxford history of music Hughes, D.A., edit Oxford, 1955
The interpretation of early music Donington, R. Faber, 1963
Early Chamber music Rowen, R.H. Crown, 1949
Chamber music Ulrich, H. Columbia, 1948
Secret chromatic art in the netherlands motet Lowinsky, E.E. Columbia, 1946
A history of musical thought Ferguson, D.N. Crofts, 1940
Music in the middle ages Reese, G. Norton, 1940
Stress and movement of the wirks of J.S. Bach Rothschild, F. Adam, 1966
Studies in medieval & reinassance music Bukofzer, M.F. Norton, 1950
La musica en la sociedad europea, (I,II,III,IV) Salazar, A. Colegio de Mexico
Historie de la musique (I,II) Gerold, Th. & Pirro, A. Laurens, 1936
Music of the world, a history Pahlen's, K. Crown, 1949
The rhythm of the 12th century polyphony Waite, Wl.G Yale, 1954
40,000 years of music Chailley, J. Macdonald, 1964
The interpretation of plainchant Robertson, A. Oxford, 1937
Arte del canto llano, en metodo facil Marcos y Navas, F. C.I.L., 1862
Metodo cietifico practico de canto llano Masramon y Godo, M. Font, 1857
The music of the nature Gardiner, Wl. Carter, 1832
Histoire ilustre de la musique Dumesnil, R. Plon, 1934
Manual teorico-practico de canto gregoriano Haberl, F.X. Ratisbona, 1889
The ancients: their music and instruments Dawes, F. Oxford, 1893
Musique et musiciens au VIIe siecle Huygens, C., edit. Leyde, 1882
Anuario musical (I,II) Angles, H., edit. I.E.M., 1946-7
The italian madrigal(I,II) Einstein, A. Princeton, 1949
L'art du chant en france au XVIIe siecle Gerold, T. Istra, 1921
El origen mus. de los animales-sibolos en la mitologia y... Schneider, M. I.E.M., 1946
The style of Palestrina and the dissonance Jeppesen, K. Oxford, 1946
Theory of musical evolution Glyn, M.H. Dent, 1934
Music as the language of emotion Pratt, C.C. Library of Congress, 1952
Music into worlds Barzun, J. Library of Congress, 1953
Worlds and music Davidson, A.T. Library of Congress, 1954
La musica, sus leyes y su evolucion Combarieu, J. Cronos, 1944
The essence of music Bussoni, F. Dover, 1965
Historie de la musique (I,II,III) Combarieu, J. Colin, 1913
A dict. of music and musicians (I,II,III,IV) Grove, G., edit Macmillan, 1879
Baker's biographical dictionary of musicicans Slonimsky N., Rev. Schrimer, 1958
Harvard Dict. of music Apel, W. Harvard, 1945
The oxford companion to music Sholes, P. Oxford, 1947
Grove's Dict. of music and musicians (10 vols.) Blom, E., edit. Macmillan, 1954
Dictionary of contemporary music Yates, P., edit Dutton, 1971
Encyclop. de la musique et dict. du conservatoire (11 vol's) Laurencie, dir. Delagrave, 1922
The greek Aulos Schlesinger, K. Methuen, 1939
Traite de l'expression musicale Lussy, M. Heugel, 1882
Historical anthology of music Davison, A.T. & Apel, W. Harvard, 1957
La mesure dans la notation proportionelle et sa transc. mod. Tirabassi, A. Delvigne, 1924
Etudes de science musicale (4 vol's.) Dechevrens, A. Dechevrens, 1898
The international cyclopedia of music and musicians Thompson, O., edit. & Slonimsky N. edit. (1946) Dodd, 1946
La musique, des origines a nos jours Dufourcq, N., dir. Larousse, 1947
The Edimburgh musical miscellany (songs) I, II
Mundell, 1808
A history of music in Scotland Farmer, H.G. Hinrichsen, 1946
Welsh national music and dance Williams, W.S.G. Curwen, 1932
A history of irish music Flood, Wl.H.G. Nolan, 1904
Old irish folk music and songs Joyce, P.W. Longmans, 1909
The rounds, catches and canons of england Rimbault, E.F. Cramer, no year
La cle du caveau P.C. Cotelle, no year
Notre chanson folklorique Coirault, P. Picard, 1942
France qui chante Sempe, J. Bourrelier, 1945
Chants populaires du pays basque Sallaberry, J.D.J. Ballone
Historical anthology of music Davison, A.T. & Apel, W. Harvard, 1946
Music of earlier times Wolf, J. Broude, no year
French secular music Apel, W. Cambridge, 1950
Examples of music before 1400 Gleason, H. Crofts, 1946
Shakespeare in music Elson, L.C. Page, 1901
Shakespeare and music Wilson, Ch. The stage, 1922
Essays on poetry and music Beattie, J. Dilly, 19?
The meeting of poetry and music Ronga, L. Merlin, no year
Music and poetry. Essays Lanier, S. Scribner's, 1898
Music in literature Howes, C.F., edit Hallet and Davies, 1894
Shakespeare and music Naylor, E.W. Dent, 1931
Music and literature Brown, C.S. Georgia, 1948
The technique of canon Norden, H. Branden, 1970
20th century music Stuckenscmith, H.H. McGraw Hill, 1969
Music and communication Mc Laughlin, T. St, Martin, 1970
American music since 1900 Thomsom, V. Winston, 1971
The computer and music Lincoln, H.B. Cornell, 1970
Perspective on american composers Boretz, B. & Cone, E.T. Norton, 1971
Contemporary percussion Brindle, R.S. Oxford, 1970
Music trough the looking glass Spiegel, F. Kegan, 1984
Orchestration Piston, W. Norton, 1955
Perspectives on music Ostransky, L. Prentice-Hall, 1963
Precis d'histoire de la musique Bertrand, P. Alphonse Lewduc, 1921
Basil Maine on music Maine B. Westhouse, 1945
Roland de lassus, motets I Lassus, R. de Not specf.
El caso wagner Nietzsche, F. Sempere, no year
La musica Colomb, C. Maravillas, 1885
French music today Rostand, C. Merlin, no year
Les ecrivains ety la musique II Meylan, P. Cervin, 1952
Instrumental music Hughes, D. Harvard, 1959
Musical though in ancient greece Lippman, E.A. Columbia, 1964
The relation of ultramodern to archaic music Heyman, R.K. Maynard, 1921
21 anos de la O.S.M.
O.S.M., 1948
Rameau Laurence, L. de la Laurens, no year
Music and criticism French, R.F., edit. Harvard, 1948
L'anne musicale Bellaigue, C. Delagrave, 1888
La musique et les musiciens Lavignac, A. Delagrave, 1898
Le entretiend de les musiciens Gantez Claudin, 1883
Un siecle de musique francaise Bellaige, C. Delagrave, 1887
Regards neufs sur la chanson Barlatier, P. et al Du seuil, no year
Los grotescos de la musica Berlioz, H. E.M.C.A., 1944
Puntos de vista Ogazon, A.H. y Gobernacion, 1921
Studies in indian music Rao, T.V.S. Asia, 1962
Melody music of india Adyanthana, N.M. Adyanthana, 1965
The folk-songs of southern india Gover, Ch.E. Siddhanta, 1959
The historical development of indian music Prajnanananda, S. Mukhopadhyaya, 1960
Theory of indian music Swarup, R.B.B. Swarup, 1933
South indian music, book IV Sambamoorthy, P. I.M.P.H., 1954
South indian music, book V Sambamoorthy, P. I.M.P.H., 1951
Hindusthani music Ranade, G.H. Ranade, 1938
South indian music, book III Sambamoorthy, P. I.M.P.H., 1953
The music of india Bandopadhyaya, S. Taraporevala, no year
Science and art in indian music Batra, R.B. Lion, no year
The origin of raga Bandopadhyaya, S. Birla, 1946
The dance of shiva Coomaraswamy, A. Asia, 1948
The apeal in indian music Sahukar, M. Thacker, 1943
Music text book, II Vinavisarad Basu, no year
Music text book, I Vinavisarad Benares, no year
South indian music, II Sambamoorthy, P. I.M.P.H., 1956
Indian music and its instruments Rosenthal, E. Reeves, 1928
Indian music. An introduction Mukerji, D.P. Kutub, 1945
The music of india Popley, H.A. Association, 1921
The folk songs of southern india Gover, Ch. Higginbotham, 1871
The ragas of tanjore Natrajan Dharwar, 1920
Catalogue de la musique indienne Danielou, A. Unesco, no year
Melodic type of industhan Bose, N.K. Jaico, 1960
The story of indian music Gosvami, O. Asia, 1961
Recuil des oeubres de musique J.J. Rouseau not specf.
Around music Sorabji, K. Unicorn, 1932
Tonality and atonality in 16th century music Lowinsky, E.E. California, 1962
Gregorian chant Apel, W. Indiana, 1958
L'anne musicale et dramatique Bellaige, C. Delagrave, 1893
Propiedad artistica musical Serralde, E. O. Serralde, 1933 6
Sinfonia y ballet Salazar, A. Mundo latino, 1929
Tres defensas musicales Barbacci, R. Mozart, 1945
Teoricos y musicos Villar, R. Fontana, 1920
La musica y sus representantes Rubisntein, A. Not specf., 1941
La musica razonada Cordero, J.N. Economica, 1900
Piu animato Palomar, C. Letras, 1965
Primer congreso nacional de musica
T.G.N., 1928
Nuevo sistema teorico grafico de la musica Menchaca, A. La plata, 1904
Perfiles y recuerdos Saint-Saens, C. S.G.P., no year
Dicen los musicos...
S.G.P., no year
Musical studies Hueffer, F. Charles black, 1880
Musiciens d'hier et d'aujoud'hui Jullien, A. Fischbacher, 1910
Dogmes musicaux Hure, J. Fischbacher, 1909
De musica Villar. A. Rodriguez, 1917
Hector Berlioz Noufflard, G. Fischbacher, 1885
A thing or two about music Slonimsky, N. Allen, 1948
Les instruments de musique de l'inde ancienne Marcel-Dubois, C. P.U.F., 1941
Ravi Shankar: my music, my life Shankar, R. Shuster, 1968
Musica del l'hindustan Checcacci, G.F. Bocca, 1908
Die indishe musik der vedischen und der klassishen zeit Felber, E. Holder, 1912
Sinhalese folk songs Amarasinhna, S. Amarashina, 1944
The music of india Fyzee-Rahamin, A.B. Luzac, 1925
A handbook on staff notation for indian music Boatwright, H. Bhavan, 1960
The ragas of karnatic music Ramachandran, N.S. Madras, 1938
Northern indian music Danielou, A. Bharati, 1949
Ragas and raginis Gangoli, O.C. Nalanda, 1948
Folk dances of south india Spren, H. Oxford, 1948
Manipuri dances Dayal, L.R. Oxford, 1951
Sangit of india Begum, A. Bombay, 1942
The music of hindostan Strangways, F. Oxford, 1914
Hindu music and rhythm Shirali, V. Shirali, V., 1936
A dictionary of south indian music and musicians Sambamoorthy, P. I.M.P.H., 1952
Le Gitalamkara Danielou, A. & Bhatt, N.R. I.F.I., 1959
Northern indian music Danielou, A. Unesco, 1954
Annals of the Bhandarkar oriental Research institute, 1939 Gajendragadkar, A.B. Poona, 1939
Rhythmic proportions in early medieval ecclesiastical chant Vollaerts, J.W.A. Brill, 1958
The anthropology of music Merriam, A.P. Northwest, 1964
Sangit Bhava, II Vijayadevji, M. Taraporevala, 1939
A history of musical style Crocker, R.L. McGraw Hill, 1966
Landowska on music Landowska, W. Stain and day, 1964
Memoirs of Hector Berlioz Berlioz, H. Tudor, 1932
A handbook of musical history Matthew, J. Grevel, 1898
The lost tradition in music Rotschild, F. Charles black, 1953
Ars nova and the renaissance Hughes, D.A. & Abraham, G. Oxford, 1960
Twelve Hinoo airs
not specf.
The mus. and musical instr. of southern india and the deccan Day, C.R. Novello, 1891
The interpretation of Bach's keyboard works Bodky, E. Harvard, 1960
Histoire de la musique Pirro, A. Laurens, 1940
The simbolism of music Bolinger, D. Antioch, 1941
Histoire de la langue musicale, I Emmanuel, M. Laurens, 1951
Histoire de la langue musicale, II Emanuel, M. Laurens, 1951
Curiosites musicales Deldeves, E.M.E. Didot, 1873
The fine art of light color playing Greenewalt, M.A. Westbrook, 1946
Musicology Harrison, F.LL. et al Prentice-hall, 1963
The quartets of beethoven Mason, D,G, Oxford, 1947
Grove's dictionary of music and musicians, 3th edit., 5 vols Colles, H.C., edit. Macmillan, 1947
The new oxford dictionary of music Hughes, D.A., edit. Oxford, 1960
Conversations around the pacific ring Reynolds, R. edit. UCSD, 1987
Musica y teoria de grupos finitos Estrada, J. & Gil, J. UNAM, 1984
La musica de mexico, 11 vols. Estrada, J., edit. UNAM, 1984
Form in primitive music Roberts, H.H. Norton, 1933
Abhandlungen zur vergleichenden musikwissenschaft Stumpf, C. et al Drei masken, 1922
Strukturprobleme in primitiver musik Heinitz, W. Friedenerischen, 1931
Music in primitive culture Nettl, B. Harvard, 1956
Primitive song Bowra, C.M. Nicolson, 1962
Primitive music Wallaschek, R. Longmans, 1893
Anfange der tonkunst Wallaschek, R. Ambrosius, 1903
The music of the mongols Hedin, S. edit. Stockolm, 1943
Music in flores Kunst, J. Brill, 1942
Die musik der aussereuropisschen natur-und kulturvolker Lachmann, R. Wildpark, 1929
Handbuch der musikwissenschaft Henitzm W. et al Wildpark, 1929
Internationales archiv fur ethnographie Boas, F. et al Brill, 1939
Bali Hiss, P.H. Duell, 1941
Journal of the royal antropological institute
R.A.I., 1932
80 chant et poemes mongols Torhout, N. de Geuther, 1937
A history of bizantine musioc and hymnography Wellesz, E. Oxford, 1949
Africa and indonesia Jones, A.M. Brill, 1964
TRhe music of the sumerians Galpin, F.W. Cambridge, 1937
The history of music Chappell, W. Chappell, no year
The musical workshop Dorian, F. Harper, 1947
The works of Friedrich Nietzsche Titlle, A. edit. Macmillan, 1896
Composicion musica (form in music) Riemman, H. Labor, 1929
Fascinacion de la musica Kahan, S. Independencia, 1964
The technique of choral composition Davison, A.T. Harvard, 1945
Elson's music dictionary Elson, L.C. Ditson, 1945
The house that music build Peyser, B. McBride, 1936
Old time music Brooks, H.M. Ticknor, 1888
The music lover's hand book Siegmeister, E. edit. Morrow, 1943
Music from inside out Rorem, N. Braziller, 1967
Musica y creacion musical Viu, V.S. Taurus, 1966
Complete encuclopaedia of music Moore, J.W. Ditson, 1854
Vom wesen der musik Scherchen, H. Mondial, no year
Ethnomusichology Kunst, K. Nijhoff, 1959
The folk music of the western emisphere Mattfeld, J. comp. N.Y. 1925
Studien zur arabischen musik Berner, A. Kistner, 1937
Ancient arabien musical instruments Al-Mufaddal Civic, 1938
Turkisch instruments of music in the 17th century Nama, S. Civic, 1937
Corpus de la musique marocaine Ricard, M.P. Heugel, 1933
Sa'adyah Gaon on the influence of music Farmer, H.G. Rusell, 1943
Music: the priceless jewel Rabbihi, I.A. Bearsden, 1942
Les instruments de musique de madagascar Sachs, C. I.E., 1938
Corpus de musique marocaine Ricard, M.P. Menestrel, 1931
Melodies tunisiennes D'erlanger, B.R. Geuthier, 1937
Die musik der araber Kiesewetter, R.G. Breitkopf, 1842
African music: numbers 1,2,3 and 4 (journal)
S.M.A., 1954
African music society: num. 2,3,4,5,6 (journal)
A.M.S., 1949
Die musikinstrumente des alten orients Wegner, M. Aschendorffseche, 1950
La geographie musicale Gironcourt, Andre, 1932
National anthemes of the world Shaw, M. & Coleman, H. Pitman, 1960
Netherlands east indies
L.C., 1945
Folk music
L.C., 1958
Historical facts for the arabian musical influence Farmer, H.G. Reeves, no year
La musique arabe Daniel, F.S. Jourdan, 1879
Tableau de la musique maroccaine Chottin, A. Geuthner, 1938
The persian doctrine of dastga composition Gerson-Kiwi, E. I.M.I., 1963
The voice of atlas Thornton, Ph. Macmillan, 1936
Arab music and musical instruments Salvador-Daniel, F. Reeves, 1914
History of arabian music Farmer, H.G. Luzac, 1929
The structure of tha arabian and persian lute in the m.ages Farmer, H.G. R.A.S., 1939
Music: the priceless jewel Farmer, H.G. R.A.S., 1941
The music of the arabian nights (2 copies) Farmer, H.G. R.A.S., 1945
The open court, 229, vol 48
O.C.P.C., 1934
Conference sur la musique arabe Corcellet, L. Alger, 1928
La musique arabe Vol's I, II, III, IV and V. D'erlanger, R. Geuthner, 1949
Fundamentals of music Roothman, H. London, 1925
Essays on studies of folk-songs Martinengo-Cesaresco E. Redway, 1935
An introduction to the study of national music Engel, C. Longmans, 1916
Composer and nation Finkelstein, S. I.P., 1960
National anthems Nettl, P. Storm, 1952
La musica y las naciones Jean-aubry, G. Argos, 1946
National music of the world Chorley, H.G. Reeves, 1911
A new system of notation Ghosh, N. Ghosh, 1968
Music of the whole earth Reck, D. Scribner's, 1977
The music of africa Nketia, J.H.K. Norton, 1974
El son mexicano Stanford, T. SEP, 1984
Danzas y bailes regionales de mexico Vol. I Garcia, B.D. Garcia, 1966
Musicos mexicanos De Grial, H. Diana, 1965
Cantos indigenas de mexico Michel, Concha, edit. INI, 1951
El corrido mexicano Castaneda, D. Surco, 1943
Horizaontes de la musica precortesiana Catellanos, Pablo FCE, 1970
Popular music in mexico Geikerstam, Claes af New mexico, 1976
El jarabe Saldivar, G. TGN, 1937
Danzas mexicanas autenticas
SEP, 1937
Musica y danza (mexico) Amezquita, B.F. Amezquita, 1943
Ritmos indigenas de mexico Campobello, N. & Campobello G. Campobello, 1940
Mexican music Wienstock, H. Modern art, 1940
Historia de la musica en mexico Saldivar, G. SEP, 1934
La musica en Zacatecas y los musicos zacatecanos Romero, J.C. UNAM, 1963
Ancient hawaiian music Roberts, H.H. Bishop museum, 1926
Philippine national dances
Tolentino, F.R.
Siamese music Duriyanga, P.Ch. D.F.A., no year
Native music of the tuamotus Burrows, E.G. Bishop museum, 1933
Studies in oriental music intruments Farmer, H.G. Civic, 1939
Musica de oriente Lachmann, R. Labor, 1931
Koreanische musik Eckardt, A. D.G.N.V., 1930
Ethnology of futuna Burrows, E.G. Bishop museum, 1936
Ethnology of tokelau islands Macgregor, G. Bishop museum, 1937
Ethnology of tubuai Bayard, D., edit. Bishop museum, 1930
Ancient Tahiti Henry, T. Bishop museum, 1928
The music of the ryukyus Yamanouchi, S. Yamanouchi, 1950
Thai musical instruments Yupho, D. 1960
Die musikinstrumente birmas und assams Sachs, C. Bayerischen, 1917
Musique annamite Le Bris, E. Not specf.
Arts and crafts of the cook islands Hiroa, T.R. Bishop museum, 1944
Patet in javanese music Hood, M. Wolters, 1954
Music in java, I, II Kunst, J. Nijhoff, 1949
De toonkunst van bali Kunst, J. Weltevreden, 1925
Theatre & danses aus indes neerlandaises Holt, C. Maisonnueve, 1939
DANCE IN BALI, in Dance index Mcphee, C. Dance index, 1948
Die musikinstrumente iondiens und indonesiens Sachs, C. Gryter, 1923
Een en ander over den javaanschen gamelan Kunst, J. Amsterdam, 1945
Enn en ander over de javaansche wajang Kunst, J. Amsterdam, 1945
Musiek en dans in de buitegewsten Kunst, J. Brill, 1946
De inheemse musiek en de zending Kunst J. Uitgave, 1947
The cultural background of indonesian music Kunst, J. Uitgave, 1949
Dance quest in celebes Holt, C. A.I.D., 1939
La danse et le theatre javanais Lelyveld, S. Floury, 1931
A club of small men Mcphee, C. Jhon day, 1948
A house in bali Mcphee, C. Jhon day, 1946
Para musica vamos! Mitjana, R. Sempere, 1909
Musica popular en espana Chavarri, E.L. Chavarri, no year
Por nuestra musica Pedrell, F. Comandita, 1891
El sentimiento nacional en la musica espanola Villar, R. Mateu, no year
De musica vasca Donostia, J.A. de Ekin, 1943
Cancionero musical Torner, E.M., edit Escuela, 1928
Musicalerias Pedrell, F. Sempere, 1902
The music of spain Vechten, C. van Kegan, 1920
Escritos sobre musica y musicos Falla, M. de Espasa, 1950
Organografia musical espanola Pedrell, F. Gili, 1901
Les escoles populars de musica Chavarri, E.L. Barcelona, 1906
La musica de la jota aragonesa Tarrago, J.R. y Madrid, 1928
Diez anos de musica en espana Diego, G, et al Espasa, 1949
Estetica y critica musical Uriarte, Eustoqio de Gili. 1904
Himne a l'estatut valencia Alonso, M. Piles, no year
El madrid de los recuerdos Sepulveda, E. Madrid, 1897
Lo popular y lo culto en la musica espanola Forns, J. Madrid, 1946
La musica espanola (middle ages until 40s) Angles, H. Biblioteca central, 1941
Battle-songs of the international brigades
Madrid, 1937
La musica en la obra de cervantes Gavalda, M.Q. Comtalia, 1948
El quijote en la musica Espinos, V. Barcelona, 1947
La musica a catalunya fins al segle XIII Angles, H. I.D.C., 1935
Tempo notatioon in renaissance spain Jacobs, Ch. I.M.M., 1964
Contribucion al estudio de la musica portugesa y espanola Kastner, S. Liboa, 1941
Manuel de falla and spanish music Trend, J.B. Knopf, 1934
Mundo y formas del arte flamenco Molina, R. et al Rev. de Occ., 1963
The art of flamenco Pohren, D.E. Jerez, 1962
Teoria de cante jondo Rossy, H. Panoramas, 1966
Manuel de falla y el cante jondo Fajardo, E.M. Granada, 1962
Deep song (flamenco) Brown, I. Harper, 1929
La musica: poema Yriarte, D.T. Imprenta real, 1784
Rostros del nacionalismo en la musica mexicana Moreno, R. FCE, 1989
Musical notations of the orient Kaufmann, W. Indiana, 1967
The music and musical instruments of japan Piggot, F.T. Batsford, 1909
Drums in the americas Howard, J.H. Oak, 1967
Japanese music and musical instruments Malm, W.P. Tuttle, 1959
The rhythmical patterns in gagaku an bugaku Harisch-Scneider, E. Brill, 1954
Min-yo: folk song of japan Matsubara, I. Cosmo, 1946
Unknow (in chinesse?) Unknow Unknow
Japanese music Tanabe, I. Bunka, 1936
The lore of the chinese lute Gulik, R.H. van Sophia, 1940
Oriental poetry and music Pocock, E. Hamilton, 1838
La musique en chine Soulie, G. Leroux, 1911
Some aspects of chinese music Green, G.P. Reeves, no year
La musica china Laloy, L. Alba, no year
The character and function of music in chinese culture Wiant, B. Pebody, 1946
The music of the ch'utan miao Agnew, R.G. Border, 1939
The chinese theater music for the organ not specf. Unknow (chinese)
Music and musical instruments of shang Gibson, H.E. R.A.S., 1937
The music of china Kinsmill, T.W. R.A.S., 1910
Chinese musical instruments Moule, B.A. R.A.S., 1908
Chnese music Richard, T. Mission press, 1930
Insects musicians and cricket champions of china Laufer, B. Field, 1927
La chanson populaire chinoise Hsiao, Sh. Sinologia, 1947
A list of musical & sound prod. instr. of the chinese Moule, A.C. Trinty college, no year
Theatre et musique moderne en chine Gailhard, A. Jacob, 1926
Festivals and songs of ancient china Granet, M. Dutton, 1932
La cancion andaluza Larrea palacin, A. de Jerez, 1961
Mei lan fang Moy, E.K., edit Ch.I.A., no year
Los 6 libros del delphin de mus. de cifra p/taner vihuela de Narvaez, Luys Barcelona, 1945
La musica en la corte de carlos V Angles, H. Barcelona, 1944
La musica en la corte de los reyes catolicos, I, II Angles, H. Barcelona, 1947
Cancionero musical de galicia, I, II Valverde, J.F. Pontevedera, 1942
Cancionero musical espanol (XV and XVI centuries) Barbieri, F.A. Schapire, 1945
Musica hispanica Kastner, S. Atica, 1936
Cancionero musical popular espanol, I,II,III,IV Pedrell, F. Boileau, no year
Cancionero popular de la provincia de madrid, I, II Schneider, M. et al Barcelona, 1951
A musica em portugal Branco, L. de F. 1929
Folk music and poetry of spain and portugal c Schindler, K. Hispanic, 1941
Clasicos espanoles de la musica
A.P.E., 1939
Clasicos espanoles de la musica
A.P.E., 1939
El canto mozarabe Rojo, C, & Prado, G. D.P.B., 1929
Folclore de burgos Olmeda, F. Maria auxiliadora, 1903
Music in ancient arabia and spain Ribera, J. Oxford, 1929
Spanish music in the age of columbus Stevenson, R. Nijhoff, 1960
Studies in african music, I Jones, A.M. Oxford, 1959
Drumming in akan communities of ghana Nketia, J.H. Ghana, 1963
African music Thieme, D.L. L. of C., 1964
African music in Ghana Nketia, J.H.K. Northwest, 1963
African native music Varley, D.H. R.E.S.B., 1936
Chopi musicians Tracey, H. I.A.I., 1948
Yoruba music Phillips, E. A.M.S., 1953
African negro music Hornbostel, E.M. Oxford, no year
Africa, No. 2,3 Westermann, D. edit. Oxford, 1933
The gora and its bantu sucessors Kirby, P.R. Bantu studies, 1931
A north african folk instrument Farmer, H.G. R.A.S., 1928
The musical instruments of the native races of south afr. Kirby, P.R. Oxford, 1934
African music from the source of the nile Kyagambiddwa, J. Praeger, 1955
Le kissi (music instruments and society) Schaeffner, A. Hermann,1951
Les instrumens de musique au bas congo... Soderberg, B. Stockolm, 1956
Tribal crafts of uganda Trowell, M. Oxford, 1953
Musica negra (tonga folklore) Marques, B. A.G.C., 1943
Songs and tales from the dark continent Simango, C.K. et al Schrimer, 1920
The reed-flute ensembles of south africa Kirby, P.R. R.A.I.G.B., 1933
The GOURA, a stringed-wind musical instrument Balfour, H. A.I.G.B., 1902
NGOMA (South african music) Tracey, H. Longmans, 1948
Tribal music and dancing in the southern sudan Tucker, A.N. Reeves, no year
The music of central africa Brandel, R. Nijhoff, 1961
Africa dances (west africa) Gorer, G. Knopf, 1935
Specimens of bantu folk-lore Torrend, J. Kegan, 1921
The talking drums of africa Carrington, J.F. Kingsgate, 1949
Musique negre Stephen-Chauvet Paris, 1929
Les cordophones du congo belgue et du ruanda-urundi 2 copies Laurenty, J.S. Tervuren, 1960
Musique centr-africaine Pepper, H. Paris, no year
Estudies in african music Jones, A.M. Oxford, 1959
The music of czechoslovakia Newmarch, R. Oxford, 1943
Some aspect of gipsy music Parker, D.C. Reeves, no year
Die ungarische musik Kodali, S. et al Danubia, 1943
Armenian folk songs Poladian, S. Caligornia, 1942
La musique populaire bulgare (rythme et mesure) 2 copies Djoudjeff, S. Champion, 1931
Hungarian folk music Bartok, B. Oxford, 1931
Folk music of hungary Kodaly, Z. Rockliff, 1960
Bugarian-macedonian folk music Kremenliev, B.A. California, 1952
Serbo-croatian folk songs Bartok, B. et al Columbia, 1951
Corpus musicae popularis hungaricae, I,II,II,IV,V Bartok, B. & Kodali Z. Kiado, 1953
Jewish music Idelsohn, A.Z. Tudor, 1948
The music of israel Gradenwitz, P. Noprton, 1949
Gesange der persishen, bucharischen u. daghetanischen juden Idelshon, A.Z. Harz, 1922
Gesange der orientalischen sefaradim idelshon, A.Z. Harz, 1923
Gesange der jemenischen juden Idelshon, A.Z. Breitkopf, 1914
Hebraischeorientalischer melodienschatzII,V,VI,VIII,IX,X,XII Idelshon. A.Z. Harz, 1922
Primer album de musica indigena Ponce, M.M. D.A.I., 1940
Album musical de michoacan Dominguez, F. Morelia, 1941
Gramophone records of african music Tracey, H., edit. Gallo, 1951
Primer album de composiciones de promotores y maestros de
Mexico, 1940
Sones, canciones y corridos michoacanos Domingez, F., edit. Mexico, no year
Sones islenos del lago de patzcuaro Juarez, N.B. D.A.A.P., 1937
The new jazz book Berendt, J. Wang, 1962
The story of jazz Stearms, M.W. Oxford, 1956
The modern jazzmen James, M. Casell, 1960
A history of Jazz in america Ulanov, B. Viking, 1952
The jazz scene Newton, F. Monthly review, 1960
Estetica del jazz Ortiz Rodrigo, N.R. Ricordi, 1941
Blues feel this morning Oliver, P. Casell, 1960
The collector's jazz Wilson, J.S. Keystone, 1958
Jazz Harris, R. Pelican, 1957
Jazz panorama Williams, M.T., edit. Crowell, 1962
Music on my mind Wilie the lion smith Doubleday, 1964
Such sweet thunder Balliet, W. Merril, 1966
Jazz Wilson. J.S. Appleton, 1966
Blues people Jones, L. Morow, 1963
The beatles Davies, H. Heinemann, 1968
Toward jazz Hodeir, A. Grove, 1962
La musica de jazz y el swing Panassie, H Alguero, 1946
Defensa de la musica de jazz Araque, L Alguero, 1946
Kings jazz and david Schwerke, I Modernes, 1927
Introduction a la musique de jazz Hodeir, A. Larousse, 1948
Louis Armstrong Gofin, R. et al seghers, 1947
Apologie du jazz Bernahard, E. et al Belguique, 1945
Modern jazz Morgan,. A. et al Gollancz, 1957
Dinosaurus in the morning Balliet, W. Lippincott, 1962
Jazz and the whites americans Leonard, N. Chicago, 1962
Early jazz Schuller, G. Oxford, 1968
Jazz tradition and innovation in the 80's. (2 copies) Giddings, G. et al Oxford, 1986
Variacions sobre el jazz Coll, J. Guadarrama, 1971
The art of ragtime Schafer, Wl.J. Lousiana, 1973
The new sound yes! Peck, I., edit. Four winds, 1966
Bibliography of latin american folklore Boggs, R.S. Wilson, 1940
Jazz: a history Tirro, F. Duke, 1977
Jazz: from congo to swing Goffin, R. Musicians, 1946
Hear me talkin' to ya Shapiro, N., edit. Peter davies, 1955
Jazz, hot and hybrid Sargeant, W. Arrow, 1938
We called music Condon, E. Holt, 1947
Frotiers of jazz Toledano, R. de Durrel, 1947
Just jazz Traill, S. Landsborough, 1959
The art of jazz Williams. M.T. Oxford, 1959
Jam session Glason, R.J. Putnam's, 1958
Jazz Hentoff, N., edit. Reinhart, 1958
Jazz: a people's music Kinkelstein, S. Citadel, 1948
American jazz music Hobson, W. Norton, 1939
Esquire's 1946 jazz book Miller, P.E., edit. Barnes, 1946
La veritable musique de jazz Panassie, H. Laffont, 1945
The jazz word Cerulli, D. et al Ballantine, 1960
The book of jazz Feather, L. Meridian, 1957
Panorama de la musica afroamericana Oderiego, N.R.O. Claridad, 1944
Panorama de la musica popular argentina Vega, C. Losada, 1944
Historia del tango Bates, H. et al Bates, 1936
Musique de l'amerique Chase, G. Chastel, 1955
Musical and other instruments of the south american indians Izikowitz, K.G. Kerber, 1935
Formas musicales rioplatenses Wilkes, J.T., et al Hispanicos, 1946
Instrumentos musicales de los afrocubanos Castellanos I. Habana, 1927
La "clave" Xilofonica de la musica cubana Ortiz, F. Habana, 1935
Los instrumentos de la musica afrocubana I, II, III, IV, V Ortiz, F. Habana, 1952
La africania de la musica folklorica de cuba Ortiz, F. Habana, 1950
Los bailes y el teatro de los negros (Cuba) Ortiz, F. Habana, 1951
The sound of the surprise Balliet, W. Dutton, 1959
Hommes et problemes du jazz Hodeir, A. Flammarion, 1954
The collector's jazz modern Wilson, J. Keystone, 1959
Satchmo Armstrong, L. Davies, 1955
Living music of the americas Saminsky, L. Howell, 1949
That crazy american music Paulo, E. Merril, 1957
The jazz life Hentof, N. Dial press, 1961
So, this is Jazz Osogood, H.O. Brown, 1926
Slave song of the U.S. Allen, Wm.F. et al Smith, 1951
Inside Be bop Feather, L. Robbins, 1949
The heart of Jazz Grossman, Wm.L. New York, 1956
Neghro folk music USA Courlander, H. Columbia, 1963
Shining trumnpets (jazz history) Blesh, R. Knopf, 1946
La musica de america latina Sloinimsky, N. El ateneo, 1947
Jamaiocan song and story Jekyll, W., edit. Nutt, 1907
Panorama de la musica popular brasileira, I, II. Vasconcelos, A. 10
Aspectos da musica brasileira De Andrade, M. Martins, 1965
Musica popular brasileira Alvarenga, O. FCE, 1947
Isles of rhythm Leaf, E. Barnes, 1948
Anthologie du folklore haitien Bastien, R. Mars, 1946
National music opf america Elson, L.C. Page, 1900
Anales: IIE/UNAM, Vol I, Tomo I.
IIE/UNAM, 1937
Los instrumentos musicales de la argentina Vega, C. Centurion, 1946
Haiti singing Courlander, H. Chapel Hill, 1939
Panorama de la music hispanoamericana Mayer-Serra, O. Not specf.
Calypso song book Attaway, Wm. McGraw, 1957
Some drums and drum rhthms of Jamaica Roberts, H.H. Natural History, 1924
Music and musicians of dominican republic Coopersmith, J.M. P.A.U., 1949
Romances y coprridos nicaraguenses Mejia, S.E. Universitaria, 1946
Historia de la musica en Colombia Perdomo, J.I. B.P.C.C., 1945
La musica en santo domingo y otros ensayos De nolasco, F. Montalvo, 1939
Historia de la musica latinoamericana Garcia. R.V. et al Perlado, 1938
Cronicas y perfiles musicales Lovelace, M. de J. Montalvo, 1939
Dictionary of popular music Gammond, P. et al Philosophical, 1961
Jazz in perspective Lang, I. Hutchinson, no year
The appeal of jazz Mendl, R.W.S. Allan, 1928
Musica del brasil Andrade, M. de Kier, 1930
The story of the jubilee singers Marsch, J.B.L., edit. Hodder, 1877
Early jazz Schuller, G. Oxford, 1968
The anatomy of jazz Ostransky, L. Washington, 1960
Mister jelly roll (jazz history) Lomax, A. Duell, 1950
The country blues Charters, S. Rinehart, 1959
Phonophotography in folk music Metsfeld, M. Carolina, 1928
Jazz: a history of the New York scene Charters, S.B. et al Doubleday, 1962
The negro and his songs Odum, H.W. North carolina, 1925
Tin pan alley (U.S.'s folk music) Goldberg, I. Jhon Day, 1930
Been here and gone (negro singing and music) Ramsey, F. New jersey, 1960
Treat it gentle Bechet, S. Hill and wang, 1980
The jazz titans Reisner, R.G. Doubleday, 1960
Composing for the jazz orchestra Russo, W. Chicago, 1961
A jazz lexicon Gold, R.S. Knopf, 1964
Year book of swing Miller, P.E. Down beat, 1939
Musica y musicos de latinoamerica I, II Mayer-Serra, O. Atlante, 1947
La music des incas d'Harcourt, M. Orientaliste, 1925
The drum and the hoe Courlander, H. California, 1960
Ensayos sobre arte en venezuela de la Plaza, R. caracas, 1883
Boletin Latinoamericano de musica (1938,41,46)
Brasil, 1946
Echoes of africa in folk song of the americas Landeck, B. Mckay, 1961
They all played ragtime Blesh, R. & Janis, H. Knopf, 1950
El folclor musical de la ciudades Campos, R.M. SEP, 1930
Jazz ways Rosenthal, G.S., edit. Greenberg, 1946
Folksongs of north america Lomax, A. Doubleday, 1960
Northern ute music Densmore, F. Washington, 1922
Papago music Densmore, F. Washington, 1929
Mandan and udatsa music Densmore, F. Washignton, 1923
Yuman and Yaki music Densmore, F. Washignton, 1932
Menominee music Densmore, F, Washignton, 1932
Pawnee music Densmore. F. Washignton, 1929
Chippewa music I,II Densmore, F. Washignton, 1913
Teton sioux music Densmore, F. Washignton, 1918
The choctow of bayou lacomb st. tammany parish, lousiana Bushnell, D.J. Washignton, 1909
Unwritten literature of hawaii Emerson, N.B. Washignton, 1919
Indians of the urban northwest Smith, M.W. Columbia, 1949
Iapy tokahan Williamson, J.P., edit. not specf.
La m. chez les peuples indig. de l'amerique du nord Tiersot, J. not specf.
Choctaw music Densmore, F. Smithsonian, 1943
Music of the indians of british columbia Densmore, F. Smithsonian, 1943
The musical instruments of the incas Mead, Ch.W. A.M.N.H., 1903
Omaha indian music Fletcher, A.C. cambridge, 1893
Uber die musik der nordamerikanioschen wilden Baker, T. Breitkopf, 1882
Songs of the totem Beery davis, C. Alaska, 1939
La musica indigena taurepan de Matallana, B. Venezuela, 1939
Peyote music McAlleser, D. N.Y., 1949
The american indians and their music Densmore, F. Womans, 1926
The encyclopedia of jazz Feather, L. Horizon, 1955
Music and some highly musical people Trotter, J.M. Shepard, 1882
Jazz cavalcade Dexter, D. Criterion, 1946
The eskimo music Thuren H. & Thalbitzer, Wm. Copenhagen, 1911
La musica aborigen (manuscript) Unknow Not specf.
Ceremonial songs of the creek and yuchi indians Speck, F.G. Philadelphia, 1911
Jazz: its evolution and essence Hodeir, A. Grove, 1956
America indigena
I.I.I, 1949
Chinoisse music Aalst, J.A. van China, 1939
Der jazz Daurer, A.M. Roth, 1958
The book of american negro espirituals Weldon J.J. Viking, 1928
American negro songs and spirituals Work, J.W., edit. Bonanza, 1940
Jazz: a history Tirro, F. Norton, 1977
Popular cuban music Grenet Havana, 1934
The book of american negro sprirituals Jhonson, J.W. Viking, 1947
The book of the blues Shirley, K., edit. Leeds, 1963
50 years of popular pianoi techniques Stormen, W. Arco, 1961
Humos on american song Loesser, A. Howell, 1942
The lydian chromatic concept of tonal organization Rusell, G. Concept, 1959
The leeling of jazz Simon, G.T. Shuster, 1961
A treasury of the blues Handy, W.C., edit Boni, 1949
A bibliography on north american foclklore and folksong Haywood, Ch. Greenberg, 1951
The american songbag Sandburg, C. Harcourt, 1927